August 26, 2012

BLOGGING TIPS: How to start a Blog?

I started blogging since 2007 but then I hibernate for a very long time before now.. It takes me quite sometimes to re-start blogging, doing these things:

1. Create a vision

Christmas #27Give writing a purpose to be fulfilled. Why do you want to write a blog? What will you write about? How do you want to present it? This concept will help you sharpen your context.
For me, my purpose is to write and share. At the moment I don't really count on how many visitors visiting my blog. I just like to share my thoughts, it relieves me.

2. Get Inspired

Light Bulb No. 1Now you got your vision, but it's still so blurry. Well at least that's what happens to me. What you can do is to check what's already there. The existing may not be fit to your ideas 100% but it helps to give you ideas on what to do.

I know I want to write about my interests including fashion, art, photography, social media, etc. So I have to create an appealing look for my blog that represents my content. And it's actually not easy for me to decide how my blog would look like but with a diligent research, I found what I was looking for - more or less.

3. Breakdown into missions

Light My PathNow that you know your end goal, what's out there, what's missing, it's time to create step by step of achieving your purpose. My first steps was to learn how to create a beautiful blog layout, search fonts, learn how to create header, learn about blog widgets, and continuously re-layouting my blog to get the look I wanted. It's not perfect yet but it's on progress.

4. Maintainance

Booble EarthIt's like a commitment you make to yourself, unless you write a blog for a temporary reason. When you share to the internet, it means you're sharing to group of people that shares your interest. You feed them to grow your blog. So it's only fair to keep growing your blog to be able to feed them. This must be the hardest thing to do.

This post is actually a note to myself. Cheers!

Find more Blogging Tips on Bonjep's Lookbook!

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